Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Behavioral Security Screening, a potentially very bad idea


I think this technology goes too far. The part that seriously worries me is:
"Once these technologies are in place, a passenger may pass through a security screening without realizing it. For example, passengers could use an automated check-in system or gaze at a screen with departures information without realizing they've just been exposed to the words 'Islamic jihad' written in Arabic."

First of all, Islamic fundamentalists aren't the only group of loons that threaten the civilized world (east and west). I am also more than a little worried that such subliminal messages could have unintended consequences, like perhaps increasing hate crimes against people who might appear to be Muslim.

Second, there is a serious possibility of false positive readings if the determination is based solely on 'emotional strain'. Who hasn't had emotional strain at some point in their lives? Perhaps a person is very afraid of flying, so they are naturally under 'emotional strain'. Are we going to help this person get over their fear of flying by harassing them at the security gate?

Finally, I think this is a step toward mind reading. Call me crazy, but I don't think the time is far off when machines will be able to determine what we are thinking by listening to the neuron pulses in our brains. Once that technology is developed, it won't be difficult to alter the technology to work from a distance. Such a technology would be a violation of privacy and human dignity, and in the wrong hands can lead to serious human rights violations.

As a side note, I find it very odd that these companies are marketing this idea as a way to make security screening less discriminatory. That sounds like an honorable motivation, but I believe the potential for abuse makes this technology very very dangerous.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Protect Marriage Amendment

I want to let you know that I am starting a petition to further define marriage. Since most divorces happen when the bride and groom are under 21, I propose raising the minimum age to 21.

I further propose that marriage should be limited to one man and one woman who are no more than 5 years apart in age. This would stop gold diggers from marrying an elderly person and waiting to inherit their fortune. Also, divorce is much more likely when there is a large age difference.

I also propose that marriages between people of different races be outlawed. Such marriages are just disgusting.

Let us also pass amendments making adulterers ineligible for marriage, and make adultery a crime eligible for prison time!

Furthermore, if such a ballot measure were to pass, all current marriages that are outside of the bounds of these new rules would be invalidated.

If people complain, tell them they have no 'right' to marry. If they further complain, accuse them of wanting 'special rights', since they do have the ability to marry within the rules.

Let us move on to children. Let's protect children from bad parents. Since a home with a married man and woman is the "proper place to raise children", let us take away children from those people who are not married. If a parent has a criminal record, let us also take away their children.

We have already opened Pandora's box, what's the harm?

In order to get the signatures to put this on the ballot, I will use deceptive tactics. I will tell individuals that the petition is to put more funds into education. I will give them the education petition, have them read and sign it. Then, I will ask them to sign a 'backup copy', which will include my devious petition.

I will then take money from special interest groups who are just crazy enough to fund such a campaign. I would use the money to skew the issues, spread misinformation, and pay to have studies done to support my cause. Once the studies are complete, I will launch a media blitz to get the word out that we are trying to "Protect Marriage, Protect Children". Most people won't read it, they will just assume it is geared toward those faggots and dykes they all hate.

As a result, the "pursuit of happiness" for millions of hard working Americans will be halted, and my plan will be incorporated into the constitution of every state and nation who's citizens are willing to blindly pass it. Civil rights don't matter, as long as my beliefs are forced upon those with whom I disagree. This is all despite the fact that these people have done nothing to me, and pose absolutely no threat to me.

Oh, one more thing. I will use the religious and political institutions I have infected to demonize, demoralize, and alienate anyone who dares challenge my 'values'.

***Please note, I am really not starting such a petition. This is only meant to help people understand how their vote opens pandora's box, and sets us on a slippery slope toward theocracy, as opposed to Democracy.

John McCain's mistake

The mistake McCain-Palin made was to move way to the right. They pandered to the worst parts of the GOP followers. I am absolutely certain that not all Republicans are as crazy as the far right bible thumping loons. Just as your average Democrat is not as crazy as Jessie Jackson or Howard Stern.

I don't think half of this country is conservative, or half liberal. I think 75% of this country is moderate, but fall on either side of a narrow ideological divide.

If a politician wants to be successful in the 21st century, they must cater not to their party base, but instead to the moderate intellect and reason.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Obama

I am so happy that our nation has finally fulfilled its promise that "all men are created equal". I hope President Obama will be able to lead our great nation out of our current troubles and on to freedom, justice, equality, peace, and prosperity.

It was so nice to see Senator McCain give a kind speech to concede the election. Recently I had begun to suspect that he was just an angry, bitter old man. Now I can see that he is a good man, despite my disagreement with many of his social positions.

I cannot help but think now that perhaps Dr. King's famous words, "Thank God Almighty, we're free at last", might not have referred only to African Americans, but to all Americans. I think it was a challenge as much as it was a dream. The challenge was and is to move past historical bigotry and injustice. The challenge was for us, as a nation to reach the promised land. We may not have reached the promised land, but I do certainly believe that we, as a nation, are "on the move now".

Dr. King, I hope to continue this legacy you worked so hard to realize. You had a dream, and we are on our way to realizing that dream.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mixed Martial Arts

Mixed Martial Arts

The very idea that fighting could be a "sport" is just awful. Martial Arts are learning to defend yourself, not to beat each other in a bloody competition for money. I think it dehumanizes the fighters, and brings out one of the worst human tendencies.

I can think of another activity that is dehumanizing, brings out bad human tendencies, and involves the exchange of money: PROSTITUTION.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Abortion: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice

I used to be absolute in my opinion that abortion is murder. Now, I have come to the conclusion that early abortion is stopping cell growth. The cells that are extracted would most likely become a human being. But, I now stand firmly in my belief that the cells extracted are not a human being.

I do not think that extracting cells in an early abortion should be a crime under any circumstances.

However, I think after the first few months those cells start to form something that is beginning to be human. At this point, I think extenuating circumstances should be required to allow such an abortion to take place. Circumstances like rape, incest, or a complication that threatens the life of the living, breathing mother.

After the first 2-3 months, I believe there is a life that isn't quite human, but I still think it has rights that need to be considered.

When pro-life people tell me that 'life begins at conception', I am always reminded of the medical fact (I checked this with my doctor) that 80% of fertilized eggs never attach to the uterus wall, but are instead flushed out during menstruation. So, an embryo is not viable until it attaches to the uterus. So, why are the pro-life people concerned over a fertilized embryo that is not attached to the uterus when it is used for stem cell research? I think there is something beyond the 'life begins at conception' argument in their minds when they froth at the mouth over 'protecting the unborn'.

Add into that mix the fact that the pro-life movement advocates 'abstinence only', and complain when schools try to educate young people on the responsible usage of contraceptives. They say that schools are advocating teen pregnancy. It is preposterous to insinuate that teachers and school administrators would actually support teen age pregnancy.

Then again, it seems as though strict pro-choice people want to be able to abort a pregnancy up to the point where most people would consider it murder.

I do agree that the woman has to carry the child, so it has to be her choice. But, I think the woman should be careful by using contraception and pregnancy testing often. That way, if they do decide to end a pregnancy, it will be in the first few weeks. Even the most ardent pro-lifers say privately that this kind of compromise would be acceptable.

I am the last one to place all this burden on the woman. I think men need to step up to the plate and do the 'manly' thing by insisting that they use a condom.

If men and women both would exercise common sense and caution, the sheer number of abortions would drop drastically.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jururs cringe watching Duncan torture tape

Jururs cringe watching Duncan torture tape

Under most circumstances, I am adamantly opposed to the death penalty because the life taken is often an innocent life.

But, in this circumstance, I am whole heartedly in favor of the death penalty. But, I think a few things should happen first:

1. The trial should finish in due course.
2. This evil man should be sent to a psychiatric hospital for scientific study. Find out why he is so demented. Find out what led him to these brutal rapes and murders.
3. Once it is clearly understood, put him on "the rack", and make it known publicly that it was his punishment for what he did. The victims surviving family will determine when he has suffered enough, even if the rack tears this monster's limbs completely off, it is their choice.
4. After that, end his life in the fashion he inflicted on his victims.
5. Burn his body, and dispose of it in an unmarked grave.
6. Use the information obtained to determine how to identify those people who need intervention in order to keep them from becoming similarly demented. It must not become a witch hunt.

I would like to mention that this evil man was diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder in 1980. When reading the wikipedia article about antisocial personality disorder, I noticed how it's prevalence in prisons is upwards of 75% (the general population is around 3%). This means there is a strong correlation between this disorder, and unlawful behavior that leads to prison.

If more research and psychological help were given to those people showing signs of this disorder, perhaps we could drastically reduce the prison population. My guess is that most of these people have no idea what is wrong with them, and they probably feel discriminated against for one reason or another.

One final note about Antisocial Personality Disorder: There are three strong indicators of childhood problems that correlate strongly to this disorder in adults:
1. Bedwetting (after the age of 7).
2. Animal Abuse
3. Pyromania.

I think, considering his past behavior (raping a young boy at gunpoint), he should have never been granted bail in 2005. Certain offenses should not be bailable, period. If you are arrested for murder, rape, assault, or drug dealing, you should not be granted bail.

In closing, this man should never see the light of day. Try him, learn from him, kill him, and be done with it.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Stray Dog saves the life of an Abandoned Baby

Stray Dog Saves Abandoned Baby's Life

This story is truly heroic. This stray dog, that was abandoned by humans and left to fend for herself, took as her own an innocent human infant. Her efforts saved this child's life.

She did the only thing she could: She dragged the baby from where it had been abandoned 50 meters to the warmth and safety of her nest (or whatever you call the place where a dog gives birth).

She did what came naturally to her. She took this helpless child, and sheltered him.

It warms my heart to have this affirmation of what I have believe all along: That animals have feelings, and they do care about us.

So, when people abandon a dog or cat, or when they starve and torture them for a demented "sport" (dogfighting), I am enraged. After they harm an animal, I think they are no longer human. I think they are demons, evil and twisted.

When we do find one of these demons, and catch him red handed (red with the blood of these innocent dogs), what do we do? We sentence him to 23 months in prison.

No wonder we are having a debate about "extraordinary rendition" and whether or not water boarding is torture. It is the obvious result of a society filled with demented, depraved, selfish demons.

I am not surprised that the height of depravity has been achieved during the "Neocon Revolution". Neocons have taken selfishness to a whole new level, and it just makes me sick.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Russia invades Georgia, Bush vacations in Crawford, TX

The sovereign nation of Georgia has been invaded by Russia, and where is the commander in chief of the United States?

He was tending his cattle in Crawford, Texas.

While an ally has been brutally invaded, and those russian pigs thumb their noses at a weakened United States, georgie porgie bush chose to take a vacation in Crawford, Texas.

By lying about Iraq, Mr. bush has allowed this country to commit our manpower and resources to a ill conceived war. This happened at the very moment that our resources and manpower should have been focused on keeping russia and China in check.

Congrats Mr. bush! You have allowed 50 years of democratic progress to be undone.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Good bye Sophia Petrillo!

I admit it! I love the Golden Girls. I was too young to get most of the jokes when I was a kid, but I now know they were hilarious. I own all 7 seasons. Yeah, call me a freak...I don't care.

Estelle Getty died yesterday at 5:30 AM PT.

I hope her death was painless and quick, and I hope her life was full of happiness. The kind of happiness I feel when I watch the "GGs" as they are called around our house.

Goodbye, Sophia.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Obama and faith based initiatives

I have been reading a lot about Obamas plan to continue the "faith based initiatives" program. With all the polarized information floating around, I decided to get the information right from the Obama campaign.

So, I emailed Obama asking him to clarify his position. I was particularly interested in the way he would handle hiring practices based on religious beliefs by these organizations. The bush administration has let these practices go unpunished, despite the fact that they are unconstitutional.

This is what the Obama campaign sent in reply (verbatim from the email):

"Senator Obama firmly believes in the separation between church and state, and he will abide by a set of principles that will ensure this new initiative honors that constitutional mandate. For example, organizations that apply for new funding from Obama programs will not be able to discriminate on the basis of religion in hiring. In these programs, government funds may only be used for secular programs and initiatives, not for proselytizing or teaching religion."

So, as long as President Obama uses the justice department to rigorously pursue allegations of religious discrimination, I suppose I would be content with this program. But, I would really like Congress to pass legislation allowing or disallowing it.

The office of the President must not be allowed to usurp the checks and balanced provided in the constitution. Andrew Jackson usurped the Supreme Courts power, and it led to the trail of tears. He also usurped the authority of Congress when he redirected federal deposits to individual State banks, and destroyed the Bank of the United States. This and other events led to the panic of 1837.

I also noticed a little remark in this email that gives me a great deal of encouragement:

"Senator Obama believes that we need all hands on deck to help people in need, regardless of their backgrounds or where they live, and that government should work with both secular and faith-based partners to this end. Secular and faith-based organizations each bring unique expertise in providing critical human services, whether that’s keeping veterans off the street, feeding the hungry, or rehabilitating ex-offenders."

My biological mother is an "ex-offender", quite possibly a current offender. I have watched her go through the prison system so many times, and I don't see any real progress in terms of helping her break the cycle.

Granted, she earned her high school diploma in prison. She has been through rehab (forced) more times than I can count. But, when she gets out, she still has the same psychological and social impediments that keep her churning in and out of the system.

My mother is a white woman who struggles with the broken system. I can only imagine how black people are treated in a system that is often racist.

I hope Obama can do something to help the 2 million (plus) incarcerated people in this country. We need real prison reform, and we need to help those who "do their time" to move on with their lives in a productive, law abiding manner.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Revolution!

I am calling for a revolution!

In Washington and every State Capitol, politicians work behind closed doors to deny and dilute each citizen's vote. They redraw voting districts, ensuring that their cronies continue to raid the Treasury and our paychecks for their personal gain.

We also do not have a direct vote on very serious issues. Issues like War, Peace, Government Allocation, Military Budgets, etc. The Presidency is the most outrageous one. We do not directly vote for the President. How our votes are "counted", if at all, is completely up to our State Legislature.

To fix this, a simple solution: GET RID OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE! Modern technology makes direct votes very possible. So, get rid of the electoral college, and force a direct vote.

It also bothers me that 4 years pass before Americans get the opportunity to remove a bad President. I think voters should hold or dismiss the President every year, with a full election every 4 years. Part of the hold/dismiss question would be "in the event that the President is dismissed, who should be the replacement?".

It also bothers me to hear "Senator so and so served his constituents for 50 years, until his death". Why do we keep these same people in office for so long? The same people churn out the same ideas. Also, those who are very politically savvy will find ways to bend their constituent's will. Those constituents who don't bend are ignored or demonized. They get elected year after year, decade after decade. They find their way into a committee in Congress, and they sit, waiting for the next election or death.

I propose that we set the same term limits on Congress as we do the President. Two terms, and you're done! No perpetual benefits either. You have served your country, now GET OUT!!! Kind of like the military.

Next, we have HUGE CORPORATIONS making donations to "Political Action Committees", and to candidates directly. Why is this a problem? They always give their money to the candidate that they feel they can force to do their bidding! Basically, they are taking away the voice of the People.

In the Constitution of the United States, it does not say "We the Corporations", or "We the Wealthy", or "We the Elite"; It says "We the People". If you read the rest of the Constitution, you see that our country was founded FOR THE PEOPLE!

To fix this, I propose that only individuals be allowed to make political contributions. I would further limit it to $500 per year, which I think should be tax deductible. That limit would be total for the year, not per candidate.

This business of our Government going into debt is crazy. Citizens should foot the bill each year for the Federal, State, and Local governments. I am very uncomfortable to know that our Government is indebted to the likes of China and Japan.

To fix this, I propose that the Federal, State, and City budgets be put to a direct vote. Major appropriations should be spelled out on the ballot, with the entire budget available upon request. Before the election, the nation could go about debating how much money should be spent and where. Then, THE PEOPLE would form a consensus, and WE could spend OUR MONEY exactly the way WE CHOOSE. Obviously, under this system, things like War and Welfare would be greatly reduced.

Those are my ideas. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sub Prime Mortgage Crisis

Just a short note about this mess that is dragging our economy into the dumps:
First Warning of the Sub Prime Mortgage Meltdown

I hope you read that and see that back in March2004 some economists were worried about the economic impact of rising interest rates on Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM). That would be 2 years BEFORE the whole thing started to crash.

Had congress and the president acted back then, we would not have been in this whole mess. But, I am sure bush and congressional leaders were heavily bribed to do nothing. It wasn't until the press got wind of the story that the wheels of congress started to move, albeit slowly.

What is the result? Raid the treasury to give a welfare check to every American, not just the ones that are losing their homes to greedy investors.

I understand the reasoning behind this decision. But, I think a welfare check does nothing to address the real problems facing the nation today: Mortgage Meltdown, Rising Oil Prices, Inflation, and the travesty in Iraq.

Sure, perhaps this $600 will help a family stall the inevitable loss of their home, but the end result is the same: they lose their home.

Perhaps this $600 will go into the gas tanks of these gluttonous, status symbol SUVs that Americans seem to be addicted to.

Perhaps this $600 will go to offset some of the increase we pay for groceries.

As for me, that $600 is going directly into my emergency fund. Even though I work in a fairly recession proof industry, one can never be too careful during a recession.

One last note. I am curious why, during the neocon "revolution" during the past 8 years, have the conservative fiscal policies gone right out the window? Why have we attacked abortion, gays, immigrants, and evolution while ignoring the fact that most Americans do not understand how to manage their personal finances?

The Republicans have switched away from being fiscal conservatives to being moral crusaders hell bent on using the Federal Government (their old nemesis) to force evangelical lunacy down the throats of the American people.

Economic Stimulus Package

Dear Uncle Sam,

While I am happy to receive your generous gift, I question your wisdom to go into debt in order to provide me with this gift.

I understand that you hope I will use this money to stimulate the economy, but that is not what I am doing with it. I will instead place this money in my savings account for the rainy day I see on the horizon.

I had hoped that when the Democrats took over congress they would institute some programs to encourage Americans to save money. So far, nothing has been done.

So, instead of pushing the very American idea of being independent and self sufficient, Uncle Sam saw fit to help Americans by making them less self sufficient and more reliant on government welfare.

Instead of raiding the treasury to "stimulate the economy", why not pass a law that will stop these forclosures in their tracks, and punish the banks, mortgage companies, and investors who have been raping American families.

Of course, this law should specifically bar induhviduals who did not actually live in the house they bought. This would keep the focus on American families, and keep real estate speculators out in the cold where they belong!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

McCain camp says Hamas wants Obama

McCain camp says Hamas wants Obama

What a dirty trick. The bush style attacks have started. I wonder how many "swift boat veterans for the truth" type groups will be formed to spread misinformation about Obama. I'll bet they have a hay day spreading a lie saying he is a Muslim.

Just look at the poll from March 2008 that shows 10% respondents answered "Muslim" when asked if they could pinpoint Obama's religion. Magnify that with the lying tripe of the neocons, add in the race factor, and splash Obama's middle name "Hussein" around, and what have you got? Another election lost over the lies, spin, and misinformation of conservative swine.

I say we pull a swift boat veterans for the truth style campaign against McCain. We could certainly find some hard up disabled vietnam veterans willing to form a sham group (funded by donations) to buy air time to air ads questioning McCain's war record.

McCain, if you start these attack ads, they will come back to bite you in the ass!
Weapons bound for Zimbabwe move to Angola to continue journey

I just want to say that I am elated that the unions did the right thing by refusing to unload that Chinese ship. Mugabe will only use those weapons against his political enemies. I predict that anyone who voted against or spoke out against him will disappear after those weapons arrive.

If it's not bad enough that those bastards in china are killing their own people, and funding the travesty in Darfur, they are now enabling the monster mugabe to kill his own people.

How nice that we are hindered by our own travesty in Iraq. During these 5 years, we could have challenged china in Tibet and Burma, we could have challenged mugabe in Zimbabwe, and we could have built a coalition to deal with iran. In short, we could have truly freed millions of people. Instead, we are stuck with a humanitarian, political, and military disgrace.

Oh. One more prediction. I predict that if McCain wins in November he will start a draft at some point. He publicly says that he does not support the draft. But, during one of the low points of the Iraq war, he was singing a song about "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb iran". He actually said that is what he would do if he were in power. So, he would have bombed iran, causing them to declare war, and we would have to start a draft to get the cannon fodder needed to deal with his stupidity.

So, when you go to the polls in November, just remember your little son. Do you want his life cut short by another republican blunder? Vote Democrat!

Oh, and for you nit pickers who would pick apart my post for my CaPiTaliZation, you need to know that I show disgust for a proper noun by not capitalizing it. You will find this often used with bush, china, iran, mugabe, republican. But, I always start the first letter of the first word of each sentence with a capital letter, which is why mugabe is capitalized once in this post.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Single Parents cost taxpayers $112 billion

Single Parents cost taxpayers $112 billion

So, let me get this straight. Households headed by a single female bring in less money, and there is more poverty among these households. That is true. Do they blame the pay disparities between the genders? Do they blame the high drop out rate in our schools? Do they blame the fact that their "compassionate conservative" congressional representatives saw fit to deny the minimum wage being increased by inflation? Do they blame their own aversion to birth control and abortion? Do they blame dead beat dads for abandoning their kids?

No. As always, they blame the Women.

Focus on the family is just another arm of the white stupidity (bowel) movement. They grunt out steaming logs of hatred against Women, Blacks, Hispanics, Immigrants, and the LGBT community.

These bastards are the very reason my angelic Mother worked tirelessly for years at PetsMart being passed over for promotions, and hired at a wage $2/hour less than a fat baboon male they hired only weeks later. After 9 years she was still not making $10 an hour.

Why are these "compassionate conservatives" the cause? They promote a culture of sexism, racism, and homophobia. They fund this "research", bringing in all the conservative whack jobs they can find.

I'll bet this won't be published in any peer reviewed publications. Do you want to know why? Because it won't hold up to real scrutiny.

I think there probably is a cost to the taxpayer because of single parent families. However, I believe it is caused by the issues above, not because these families are headed by Women. If these conservatives want to start enumerating the cost to taxpayers, why don't they study the following:

Cost to taxpayers because of:
Low wages (a family cannot afford to pay their bills, so the cost is absorbed by the rest of us)
War (I think this one goes without saying)
Charitable Tax Deductions (it's not charity if you receive a benefit)
High School Drop Outs (how much money are we spending on each kid that drops out of school?)

Hey Focus on the Family, why don't you study these things? Is it because the results would embarrass the corrupt politicians you have in your back pocket? Oh wait, you would probably just find some conservative loons to skew the data to blame your usual scapegoats.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Church walks the walk of King's message


Despite the fact that I am whole heartedly Atheist, I have always held Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's message and works in the highest esteem. Perhaps it is because I am "as queer as a lemon on a peach tree", and an Atheist that his message brings tears of pride and hope to my eyes.

I support Bishop T.D. Jakes in his work with the poor, and his efforts to keep Dr. King's dream alive. I do hope that some day he will realize that he is completely wrong when he calls homosexuality a "brokenness", and that he would never hire a "gay person". It's no different than when John Dixon of Mallory & Evans told me during a job interview that he "would never hire a n****r". Let me tell you more about this interview, and the subsequent retracted job offer.

During my interview with his payroll manager, she told me that his background checks are extensive, and that he could "find out if you were wearing underwear". Despite the fact that I told them about my 2005 bankruptcy (I even gave them a copy of all three credit reports), after a background check, they used my bankruptcy as the reason for retracting the job offer. I am sure that background check turned up something about my support for gay rights, and my signatures on many online petitions. Aside from this, there would have been no reason for him to retract the job offer. The company refused to release the information found during their "background check", because it was not based on anything that FCRA would cover. As such, they claimed I have no right to see the report.

My conclusion is that they retracted the job offer because I am gay. The very same way they would not even consider hiring a black person.

Some people bristle at the idea that the civil rights movement, and the gay rights movement could have anything in common. It is true that they are different. The hate is different only because racism is based on the pigment (or lack thereof) of a person's skin. Whereas homophobia is based on either a narrow interpretation of the bible, or the idea that it is somehow unnatural. They are also different in that you cannot always perceive a person's sexual orientation by looking at them. You can usually determine a person's race (or at least that they aren't the same race as you), by looking at the person. Aside from these differences, the basic emotion of hatred is still the same between racism and homophobia. The emotion is fear.

For racism: kkk, black panthers, aryan nation, nation of islam, the nazi party
For homophobia: kkk, black panthers, aryan nation, nation of islam, the nazi party

The same groups plot to murder and terrorize us for daring to challenge their views. Weather you are Black, White, Hispanic, Native American, Arab, Indian, Asian or LGBT; one or all of these groups want your head.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Abortion searches blocked


So, USAID cannot legally "support abortion activities". I don't think allowing factual data to be searched is "legally supporting" abortion. It is simply allowing people to search data.

Technically speaking, the United States Government cannot legally pass a law respecting the establishment of religion. Anti abortion sentiment is always related to an absurd belief that human life is somehow 'sacred', which is a religious belief. The fact that congress has passed a law restricting the "support" (finance) of abortions means they have broken their word when they swore to uphold the constitution.

People who disagree would say, "I don't want my tax dollars funding the killing of innocent children". Yet, most of these same people accept the loss of Iraqi children's lives as an unavoidable part of war. That sounds duplicitous at best, extremely racist at worst. They ignore their own bible where it says, "thou shalt not kill".

My moral values say that killing any animal (even humans) is wrong unless your own life (or the life of your family) is in jeopardy. Iraq was not a threat, and everyone knew it. Yet, neocons decided to "rally around" their insane president.

If the neocons can pass an unconstitutional law banning the funding of abortion because of a moral objection, I believe we should pass laws based on more anti-war morals.

Let us stop the war, bring our troops home, pay war reparations to Iraq, impeach the president and arrest him, and institute sweeping reforms to ensure such a miscarriage of justice can never again happen. Now that the president is in custody, let us give him an extraordinary rendition to a secret location outside of U.S. authority, and let them do what they wish. Of course, he would not actually be charged with a crime in the U.S.

Why? Because "I don't want my tax dollars funding the killing of innocent children".

Friday, April 4, 2008

Gas prices

I love high gas prices. I get to stop by the gas station once a week and laugh at the morons filling up their huge SUVs.

It is a slight inconvenience for me. I do drive 35 miles each way to work. But, I drive a Toyota Camry. If I drive it right, it can get 31 mpg (about twice what these gas guzzlers get). So, overall my gas cost has gone up only about $8-$10 per week.

Then again, I don't have a mortgage on a house I cannot afford. I don't have spoiled children who hate me because I tried to buy their love rather than make time to spend with them. I don't have credit card debt up to my eyeballs. I don't have a payment for a status symbol SUV.

I live well within my means. Truth be told, I live on half of my post-tax pay. The rest goes into savings, 401k and IRA.

How many of you can say that?