Dear Uncle Sam,
While I am happy to receive your generous gift, I question your wisdom to go into debt in order to provide me with this gift.
I understand that you hope I will use this money to stimulate the economy, but that is not what I am doing with it. I will instead place this money in my savings account for the rainy day I see on the horizon.
I had hoped that when the Democrats took over congress they would institute some programs to encourage Americans to save money. So far, nothing has been done.
So, instead of pushing the very American idea of being independent and self sufficient, Uncle Sam saw fit to help Americans by making them less self sufficient and more reliant on government welfare.
Instead of raiding the treasury to "stimulate the economy", why not pass a law that will stop these forclosures in their tracks, and punish the banks, mortgage companies, and investors who have been raping American families.
Of course, this law should specifically bar induhviduals who did not actually live in the house they bought. This would keep the focus on American families, and keep real estate speculators out in the cold where they belong!
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