Saturday, April 19, 2008

McCain camp says Hamas wants Obama

McCain camp says Hamas wants Obama

What a dirty trick. The bush style attacks have started. I wonder how many "swift boat veterans for the truth" type groups will be formed to spread misinformation about Obama. I'll bet they have a hay day spreading a lie saying he is a Muslim.

Just look at the poll from March 2008 that shows 10% respondents answered "Muslim" when asked if they could pinpoint Obama's religion. Magnify that with the lying tripe of the neocons, add in the race factor, and splash Obama's middle name "Hussein" around, and what have you got? Another election lost over the lies, spin, and misinformation of conservative swine.

I say we pull a swift boat veterans for the truth style campaign against McCain. We could certainly find some hard up disabled vietnam veterans willing to form a sham group (funded by donations) to buy air time to air ads questioning McCain's war record.

McCain, if you start these attack ads, they will come back to bite you in the ass!

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