Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Single Parents cost taxpayers $112 billion

Single Parents cost taxpayers $112 billion

So, let me get this straight. Households headed by a single female bring in less money, and there is more poverty among these households. That is true. Do they blame the pay disparities between the genders? Do they blame the high drop out rate in our schools? Do they blame the fact that their "compassionate conservative" congressional representatives saw fit to deny the minimum wage being increased by inflation? Do they blame their own aversion to birth control and abortion? Do they blame dead beat dads for abandoning their kids?

No. As always, they blame the Women.

Focus on the family is just another arm of the white stupidity (bowel) movement. They grunt out steaming logs of hatred against Women, Blacks, Hispanics, Immigrants, and the LGBT community.

These bastards are the very reason my angelic Mother worked tirelessly for years at PetsMart being passed over for promotions, and hired at a wage $2/hour less than a fat baboon male they hired only weeks later. After 9 years she was still not making $10 an hour.

Why are these "compassionate conservatives" the cause? They promote a culture of sexism, racism, and homophobia. They fund this "research", bringing in all the conservative whack jobs they can find.

I'll bet this won't be published in any peer reviewed publications. Do you want to know why? Because it won't hold up to real scrutiny.

I think there probably is a cost to the taxpayer because of single parent families. However, I believe it is caused by the issues above, not because these families are headed by Women. If these conservatives want to start enumerating the cost to taxpayers, why don't they study the following:

Cost to taxpayers because of:
Low wages (a family cannot afford to pay their bills, so the cost is absorbed by the rest of us)
War (I think this one goes without saying)
Charitable Tax Deductions (it's not charity if you receive a benefit)
High School Drop Outs (how much money are we spending on each kid that drops out of school?)

Hey Focus on the Family, why don't you study these things? Is it because the results would embarrass the corrupt politicians you have in your back pocket? Oh wait, you would probably just find some conservative loons to skew the data to blame your usual scapegoats.

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