Saturday, April 19, 2008

Weapons bound for Zimbabwe move to Angola to continue journey

I just want to say that I am elated that the unions did the right thing by refusing to unload that Chinese ship. Mugabe will only use those weapons against his political enemies. I predict that anyone who voted against or spoke out against him will disappear after those weapons arrive.

If it's not bad enough that those bastards in china are killing their own people, and funding the travesty in Darfur, they are now enabling the monster mugabe to kill his own people.

How nice that we are hindered by our own travesty in Iraq. During these 5 years, we could have challenged china in Tibet and Burma, we could have challenged mugabe in Zimbabwe, and we could have built a coalition to deal with iran. In short, we could have truly freed millions of people. Instead, we are stuck with a humanitarian, political, and military disgrace.

Oh. One more prediction. I predict that if McCain wins in November he will start a draft at some point. He publicly says that he does not support the draft. But, during one of the low points of the Iraq war, he was singing a song about "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb iran". He actually said that is what he would do if he were in power. So, he would have bombed iran, causing them to declare war, and we would have to start a draft to get the cannon fodder needed to deal with his stupidity.

So, when you go to the polls in November, just remember your little son. Do you want his life cut short by another republican blunder? Vote Democrat!

Oh, and for you nit pickers who would pick apart my post for my CaPiTaliZation, you need to know that I show disgust for a proper noun by not capitalizing it. You will find this often used with bush, china, iran, mugabe, republican. But, I always start the first letter of the first word of each sentence with a capital letter, which is why mugabe is capitalized once in this post.

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