Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Revolution!

I am calling for a revolution!

In Washington and every State Capitol, politicians work behind closed doors to deny and dilute each citizen's vote. They redraw voting districts, ensuring that their cronies continue to raid the Treasury and our paychecks for their personal gain.

We also do not have a direct vote on very serious issues. Issues like War, Peace, Government Allocation, Military Budgets, etc. The Presidency is the most outrageous one. We do not directly vote for the President. How our votes are "counted", if at all, is completely up to our State Legislature.

To fix this, a simple solution: GET RID OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE! Modern technology makes direct votes very possible. So, get rid of the electoral college, and force a direct vote.

It also bothers me that 4 years pass before Americans get the opportunity to remove a bad President. I think voters should hold or dismiss the President every year, with a full election every 4 years. Part of the hold/dismiss question would be "in the event that the President is dismissed, who should be the replacement?".

It also bothers me to hear "Senator so and so served his constituents for 50 years, until his death". Why do we keep these same people in office for so long? The same people churn out the same ideas. Also, those who are very politically savvy will find ways to bend their constituent's will. Those constituents who don't bend are ignored or demonized. They get elected year after year, decade after decade. They find their way into a committee in Congress, and they sit, waiting for the next election or death.

I propose that we set the same term limits on Congress as we do the President. Two terms, and you're done! No perpetual benefits either. You have served your country, now GET OUT!!! Kind of like the military.

Next, we have HUGE CORPORATIONS making donations to "Political Action Committees", and to candidates directly. Why is this a problem? They always give their money to the candidate that they feel they can force to do their bidding! Basically, they are taking away the voice of the People.

In the Constitution of the United States, it does not say "We the Corporations", or "We the Wealthy", or "We the Elite"; It says "We the People". If you read the rest of the Constitution, you see that our country was founded FOR THE PEOPLE!

To fix this, I propose that only individuals be allowed to make political contributions. I would further limit it to $500 per year, which I think should be tax deductible. That limit would be total for the year, not per candidate.

This business of our Government going into debt is crazy. Citizens should foot the bill each year for the Federal, State, and Local governments. I am very uncomfortable to know that our Government is indebted to the likes of China and Japan.

To fix this, I propose that the Federal, State, and City budgets be put to a direct vote. Major appropriations should be spelled out on the ballot, with the entire budget available upon request. Before the election, the nation could go about debating how much money should be spent and where. Then, THE PEOPLE would form a consensus, and WE could spend OUR MONEY exactly the way WE CHOOSE. Obviously, under this system, things like War and Welfare would be greatly reduced.

Those are my ideas. What do you think?

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