Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Obama

I am so happy that our nation has finally fulfilled its promise that "all men are created equal". I hope President Obama will be able to lead our great nation out of our current troubles and on to freedom, justice, equality, peace, and prosperity.

It was so nice to see Senator McCain give a kind speech to concede the election. Recently I had begun to suspect that he was just an angry, bitter old man. Now I can see that he is a good man, despite my disagreement with many of his social positions.

I cannot help but think now that perhaps Dr. King's famous words, "Thank God Almighty, we're free at last", might not have referred only to African Americans, but to all Americans. I think it was a challenge as much as it was a dream. The challenge was and is to move past historical bigotry and injustice. The challenge was for us, as a nation to reach the promised land. We may not have reached the promised land, but I do certainly believe that we, as a nation, are "on the move now".

Dr. King, I hope to continue this legacy you worked so hard to realize. You had a dream, and we are on our way to realizing that dream.

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