Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Behavioral Security Screening, a potentially very bad idea


I think this technology goes too far. The part that seriously worries me is:
"Once these technologies are in place, a passenger may pass through a security screening without realizing it. For example, passengers could use an automated check-in system or gaze at a screen with departures information without realizing they've just been exposed to the words 'Islamic jihad' written in Arabic."

First of all, Islamic fundamentalists aren't the only group of loons that threaten the civilized world (east and west). I am also more than a little worried that such subliminal messages could have unintended consequences, like perhaps increasing hate crimes against people who might appear to be Muslim.

Second, there is a serious possibility of false positive readings if the determination is based solely on 'emotional strain'. Who hasn't had emotional strain at some point in their lives? Perhaps a person is very afraid of flying, so they are naturally under 'emotional strain'. Are we going to help this person get over their fear of flying by harassing them at the security gate?

Finally, I think this is a step toward mind reading. Call me crazy, but I don't think the time is far off when machines will be able to determine what we are thinking by listening to the neuron pulses in our brains. Once that technology is developed, it won't be difficult to alter the technology to work from a distance. Such a technology would be a violation of privacy and human dignity, and in the wrong hands can lead to serious human rights violations.

As a side note, I find it very odd that these companies are marketing this idea as a way to make security screening less discriminatory. That sounds like an honorable motivation, but I believe the potential for abuse makes this technology very very dangerous.