Wednesday, December 16, 2009

21st Century Holocaust

Taboos Silence Opponents Of Uganda Anti-Gay Bill

If this law passes, the religious right will soon be joining the likes of Hitler in starting their own holocaust.

They all will have blood on their hands. If there is a hell, I hope they all go to it.

Shame on all of them!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Right wing douchebag wants Obama to fail

Here is a link to a right wing article which preports to list flaws in the Obama Administration policies:

Right Wing Douchebag

Let me go through this list to describe how this person is so brainwashed by right wing lunacy that he cannot even think straight.

1. If President Barack Obama is resolute on reversing Bush administration measures that have served to keep this country safe from attack for over seven years, I want him to fail.

My opinion: The only Bush era policies that have been changed are the ones that diminish the liberties of Americans. For example, extraordinary rendition, warrantless wiretapping, and many other policies that were a direct violation of the constitution.

2. If the President believes that enemy combatants captured on the field of battle are due the same Constitutional rights as American citizens, I want him to fail.

My opinion: I don't think President Obama ever said these people were due the same rights as Americans. However, I think Obama has said that we MUST abide by the Geneva Convention. This is a treaty that the United States signed in good faith, and was ratified by the Senate. That means the Geneva Conventions are legally binding. Bush tried renaming them as "Enemy Combatants", hoping the right wing talk radio machine would justify things like waterboarding.

3. If the President believes that “direct diplomacy” with despotic leaders of murderous regimes is the best way to keep America strong, I want him to fail.

My opinion: Direct diplomacy is better than sticking our heads in the sand and hoping the problem goes away while we were distracted in Iraq.

4. If the President is willing to trod upon one of the fundamental rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence – namely, the right to life – with his illimitable support of abortion, I want him to fail.

My opinion: Abortion is a touchy subject. The problem with the religious right, is they are unwilling to see any truth to the argument of the other side. I am personally opposed to unlimited abortions as well. However, I see nothing wrong with early abortion, and the morning after pill.

5. If the President believes that taxpayer dollars should be used to fund abortions, I want him to fail.

My opinion: I also don't want my tax dollars supporting "faith based" organizations. I also don't want my tax dollars being used to force Christianity on the rest of the world. I don't want my tax dollars used to fund the military complex, which only exists for the purpose of murder. Quite frankly, I don't care what you don't want "your tax dollars" to do. "My tax dollars" are used for plenty of things that I am morally opposed to.

6. If the President wishes to use taxpayer dollars to fund embryonic stem cell research, I want him to fail.

***See opinion 5.

7. If the President wishes to appoint judges to the Supreme Court who view the Constitution as a document that breathes and bends with time, I want him to fail.

My opinion: This person is obviously unaware that he lives in a country that uses a common law system. If you want to live in a country that uses "code law", move to France.

8. If the President wants to infringe on my Constitutional right as a law abiding American to own a firearm, I want him to fail.

My opinion: The second amendment was written in a time of muskets and broad swords. The founding fathers had NO IDEA that assault rifles, AK47s, and automatic guns that could cut down a tree or cut through thick steel. I agree that law abiding citizens should be able to own a gun (not an assault or automatic rifle) for self protection, and for hunting. However, I don't think anyone should have the right to own a gun that is extremely powerful. Enough to kill or disarm a home invader = yes. Powerful enough to pierce armor and cut down trees = no.

9. If the President believes that government is better equipped to solve the problems of Americans than Americans themselves, I want him to fail.

My opinion: This is more of that "communist" and "socialist" shit they like to fling at anyone who doesn't subscribe to their narrow world view. We are living in the middle of the disaster caused by capitalism run amok. We need the government to make sure capitalism and greed don't run us all into bankruptcy. Think of it this way: In 2004, if Bush had unleashed the hounds on these "don't ask don't tell" loans, we probably would not be in this nasty recession.

10. If the President attempts to follow through on his campaign promise to fundamentally transform the United States of America, I want him to fail.

My opinion: Does this guy really believe that this country was headed in the right direction under Bush? Does he honestly believe that blind consumerism, debt, war, and growing poverty are the right direction for the country?

11. If the President wishes to send me a check that I didn’t earn, paid for with other people’s hard-earned tax money, and call it a tax cut, I want him to fail.

My opinion: I couldn't agree more. I don't want to take money from anyone to cut my taxes. However, I should mention that Bush gave tax cuts to everyone. Let's move to a progressive tax system where everyone has to pay something.

12. If the President wishes to send a so-called stimulus check to those who did not pay federal income taxes, I want him to fail.

My opinion: I agree with this, except for the "I want him to fail" part.

13. If the President believes that government bailouts of private sector businesses are the way to tend to an ailing economy, I want him to fail.

My opinion: Right.... so the government should sit back, do nothing, and watch the economy sink? That sounds very familiar. I know... you find it in a U.S. history book. Hoover tried that same thing in 1928. Historians and most economists agree that this made the great depression much worse.

14. If the President believes that the government should set pay limits on executives of companies who receive bailout money, I want him to fail.

My opinion: Let me make sure I understand the concept here: Executives make millions of dollars, all the while turning employees (aka hard working Americans) out in the cold. When their companies hit hard times because of their poor leadership, they beg for taxpayer assistance (you know... money from those same hard working Americans). Then they complain that the government wants to limit their compensation while they are suckling from the tit of taxpayers?

15. If the President believes that government spending of unprecedented amounts of taxpayer money is the way to deliver the economy from recession, I want him to fail.

My opinion: Herbert Hoover, anyone?

16. If the President believes that the planet is in danger of catostrophic ruin due to man-made global warming, and is willing to implement so-called “green” policies that will damage this country’s economy, I want him to fail.

My opinion: Yeah, it is far better to stick our heads in the sand and hope that empirical evidence is wrong. We can also hope that the fox spin doctors were right. Besides, won't Jesus save us? Any evidence that 3.5 billion years of life are in danger don't matter as long as we toe the line with our political party.

17. If the President wishes to undertake an unparalleled “domestic infrastructure” plan that puts untrained non-professionals on the government’s payroll with the belief that this will stimulate the economy, I want him to fail.

My opinion: I don't ever recall the President saying anything about putting stimulus money into the federal payroll. I do seem to recall him saying the money would be used to stimulate private sector job creation through government infrastructure spending. That means the fed and state governments hire contractors (generally private companies) to do the work. Those contractors hire unemployed Americans to do the work, and those Americans spend the money they earned.

18. If the President believes that people who fall into the highest tax brackets in this country need to pay more taxes, I want him to fail.

My opinion: My partner will have to pay an additional 4K in taxes because I am on his employer sponsored health insurance plan. If we could marry (despite the efforts of people like this guy), we wouldn't have to pay higher taxes. Do you think this guy would consider our higher taxes as unfair? Probably not. I personally would support a flat tax if they did away with dependent credits and charitable deductions.

19. If the President believes that the military of the United States is a venue for social engineering – such as lifting the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy – I want him to fail.

My opinion: Right, because gay and lesbian Americans aren't patriotic. We don't love our country. We don't feel the call to serve when the nation is at war. We don't want to protect our families, and the American way of life. We should simply let you "socially engineer" a policy which drums us out of service to our country simply because you are morally offended by our sexual orientation. All because a book written in the bronze age says so.

20. If the President believes that healthcare is not only a right but a moral obligation of government, I want him to fail.

My opinion: Right. Health is only something the wealthy are entitled to. If the poor get sick, let them die. It will just be the end of a pathetic and dispensable existence. Let's face it, they chose to be poor right? What an asshole.

21. If the President believes that it is a good idea to attack those who listen to conservative talk radio as a means of fostering unity, I want him to fail.

My opinion: Right. Because Rush Limbaugh is just a kind, loving man. He never says an unkind word about anyone. He loves everyone, even if he disagrees with them. He never tries to fling poo at his political opponents. He is so like Mr. Christ that he must be able to walk on water...

Why can't this guy see that conservative talk shows are just that:
Conservative, meaning they are only tell one side of any issue.
Talk: This is all opinion. They don't have a legal or ethical reason to tell the truth.
Show: It's all about the ratings. They tell you whatever keeps you listening, even if is a lie. They know you aren't going to check their facts.

22. If the President supports a reinstatement of the so-called Fairness Doctrine, effectively ending talk radio as we know it, I want him to fail.

My opinion: Exactly. No good American would allow both sides of an issue to be presented with facts. Americans don't want to choose for ourselves. We want to be told what to believe. We don't believe in individuality. We only believe the spin that is spoon fed to us from the media.

23. If the President is unwilling to boldly deal with illegal immigration into the United States, and chooses to try and come up with something “comprehensive” to solve the problem, I want him to fail.

My opinion: Exactly! It will be a small task to round up 12 million people, deport them, and hope they don't find their way back. We don't care about the reason why they came illegally. We don't care that they are human beings struggling to feed their families. We only see them as "illegals" and "spicks". If our children were starving, we certainly wouldn't cross a river or a desert in an attempt to feed our children. We would stay home and pray.

24. If the President is unwilling to take a serious look at nuclear energy as a viable and safe alternative source of energy, while wasting time focusing on wind turbines and solar paneling, I want him to fail.

My opinion: I have no problem with nuclear power. But it does give "the terrorists" a good lethal target. Are we no longer in the business of using scare tactics to make people afraid of "the terrorists"?

25. If the President decides that he will continue his class-warfare style assault on big corporations – such as oil and pharmaceutical companies – as he did during his campaign by punishing them with higher tax rates, I want him to fail.

My opinion: So, taxing corporations is about class warfare? I don't understand this at all. I thought it was about generating revenue to pay for the American war machine? Oh, it also legitimizes the "seat at the table" that big business shares with lobbying groups and trade associations.

I want him to fail because each and every one of these policies hurts my country.

I love it how conservatives have suddenly claimed this as "their country". Liberals aren't even Americans, according to many conservatives.

You aren't a REAL AMERICAN unless you own a gun, eat meat, pray to Jesus, and participate in mindless consumerism. You label anyone who disagrees with you as: idiot, moonbat, or baby killer. Oh, lets not forget my favorite: Terrorist.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lazy People

I have often thought that poverty is something that is often out of the hands of the poverty stricken person. However, I have recently come to believe that most people who live in poverty are there because they want to be there.

Some choose to be in poverty by the kinds of friends they keep. If all your friends are hicks, trash, or bone idle how can you be anything but those things?

Some choose to be in poverty because they have an attitude of entitlement. They believe that anyone who challenges their behavior is "startin' shit with me", or is just nagging.

Some choose to be in poverty because they refuse to work. Sure, from time to time they will hold down a job for a month. Then...BAM, unemployed again. Rather than look for work, these lazy bums "hang out" with looser friends, and participate in "easy money" schemes. When they are being evicted or foreclosed on because of their laziness, they blow up your phone and email with requests for money.

Mostly, these people blame everyone else in the world except themselves. They cannot possibly be responsible for their own poverty, so it must be someone else's fault. Obviously, it must be that asshole of a brother who won't help for the millionth time to pay the rent.

I think these poor people give the rest a bad name.

Where are the poor that are struggling, working, saving, doing anything they can to survive in an honest way?

Where are these people? If they exist, I want to help them. I'd rather give them the money than have it go into enabling a lazy person to destroy her life.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

18 things to teach your sons about women

18 things to teach your sons about women

I have a few things to say about this article.

1. Pick your battles. - This is just dumb. Everyone should learn this skill, and it has nothing to do with gender relations. It is a life skill.

2. Walk on the outside (closer to the street) of your female companion. - What kind of outdated crap is this? Women don't need escorts, so why should it matter how a couple walks down the street?

4. Cooking, cleaning, and taking care of kids are things men can actually do as well as women. - Absolutely! Your wife / girlfriend / partner is not an unpaid maid or babysitter. She is an equal, which means the lazy men need to get off the couch and help out.

5. Keep backup supplies of quality chocolate in the house for her to raid. - For what, a drought or famine? She is just as capable of keeping and maintaining a stash as anyone else.

7. Women like compliments and gifts. - So do men. There is nothing different here.

9. Be on time, even if she usually isn't. - Can you say double standard? I knew you could! She is just as capable of keeping track of time as you. Granted, some women have more preparation time than others, so that can be factored into the planning. A man cannot be expected to be ontime if a woman isn't expected to do the same.

11. Find out what her favorite flower is. - And she should learn the things you love too. Afterall, she isn't the only one in the relationship.

13. Smiling and nodding aren't the same as listening. - Unless the man is enduring a PMS rant, in which case it is better to smile and nod than to voice your opinion.

16. At some point she'll be more important than your mother. - Only if she is jealous of your mother, or visa versa. Either way, you are in for trouble. RUN LIKE HELL!

18. Oh yeah, and no woman will ever be good enough for my baby! - Did you know, if you take the letters from "MOTHER IN LAW", you can rearrange them to spell "WOMAN HITLER"? Perhaps mothers need to stop this insanity. You either respect your child's choices or you don't. If you don't, there can be only two reasons for this: 1. You were a bad parent. 2. You are a control freak. Either way, your child is destined to learn things the hard way.

The only times men have to treat women differently is when it comes to specifically feminine things (PMS, periods, child birth, and some small emotional differences). I believe every other difference is based entirely on the fact that some women are raised thinking they are the "weaker sex", which I find to be outdated and sexist.

At least, that is how I see things...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Health Care Reform

As much as I like President Obama, I am not in favor of his public option healthcare reform. If it is funded by dollars which are taken from taxing wealthy Americans (mostly hard working people), then I am absolutely opposed to it.

If we are to have a public option, I believe it must have four important parts:

1. Funded by participant premiums.
2. Administered by an independent group, not by politicians.
3. This entity should be tax exempt.
4. It should be run as a non-profit organization.

Let me explain my reasoning for these:
Funded by participant premiums: This would make certain that people take an active role in their health, and their healthcare. You could have incentives for people to lead healthier lives. For example, an overweight person would pay a higher premium than a healthy weight person, as would a smoker. It would also ensure that this public option does not drive insurance companies out of business.

Administered by an independent group, not by politicians: The reasoning for this is obvious. I would add one more qualification to serve in this group: Insurance companies are not allowed.

This entity should be tax exempt: This plan will be taking on millions of Americans who are rejected by traditional insurance companies. To offset this increase, it should not have to pay any taxes.

It should be run as a non-profit organization: It should be run and managed very conservatively. Meaning, it should be stashing away cash during good times as a cushion for bad times. Those who are fiscally conservative (like me) know that the party doesn't last forever so you had better save money while you can. This would stabilize the system.

In closing, despite my opposition I won't be screaming lies at townhall meetings. That is just trashy, not to mention unproductive. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I am suspicious of these people. I wonder if they are being paid to disrupt the Democratic process....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

8 signs of hope for the economy

8 signs of hope for the economy

CNN today reported the following POTENTIALLY favorable signs of recovery in the economy:

  • Housing starts (new construction) were flat from the previous month
  • S&P 500 was up 9.4% in April (the DOW is up 15% since April 1)
  • Consumer confidence is climbing, up 12 points in April
  • Home prices seem to be finding the bottom (but a few more months of data are needed)
  • Corporate Earnings seem to be stabilizing, as opposed to hemorrhaging cash
  • Initial unemployment claims dropped slightly (but this could reverse quickly)
  • Manufacturing shows some signs of life
  • Credit Market is thawing, meaning more credit available to the economy
I am perfectly happy for 'housing starts' to be flat. If there are fewer homes built, the housing market will have fewer homes for sale. The homes for sale will come closer to the number of eligible buyers. When that happens, the housing market can recover.

The stock market is volatile, but I would hate to have missed the recent gains. Some bank stocks have doubled in value in recent months (i.e. ZION has gone up 112% since March). Buy low, sell high.

Consumer confidence is important. The fact that this number is increasing is probably the most stable indication of economic recovery.

Home prices seem to have found the bottom. A few more months of data will tell us if this is a temporary anomaly, or if this is the beginning of a stabilizing trend.

Corporate earnings are important for the portfolio, and for the economy as a whole. When companies post profits, their stock prices jump. After posting profits, many companies start hiring and buying again. This has a strong impact on the overall economy.

Initial unemployment claims dropped by 14,000. That is not a significant drop, but it is much better than increasing initial unemployment claims. We must be careful not to over-react to this number. As the economy recovers this number will fluctuate, which is absolutely natural. Only sharp increases should concern us.

Manufacturing numbers are important, but I believe manufacturing will be almost as slow to recover as the housing industry.

The credit market is getting better. Banks are starting to lend to each other more easily. I think the Troubled Asset Relief Program has had a great deal to do with this. It will be a few months before the banks feel confident enough to lend to consumers more. This is all good news.

I believe the economy will show significant improvement over the next few months. Perhaps by late October we will see consumer confidence improve enough to have a good holiday shopping season. If that happens, in March we will look back and realize that the recession ended in December 2009.

I am keeping my fingers crossed, and holding on to my job. :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Democrat Socialist Party

Democrat Socialist Party

I am a Democrat only because the GOP has sold it's soul to the devil (neocons and loons like rush limbaugh).

If they were serious about the ideas they promote, I would probably be a liberal Republican (not to be confused with a fascist Republican).

I actually wrote a post listing and discussing the things I admire about Republicans. Needless to say, from my perspective they flunk every category. That is why I have moved to the left. Similar "say one thing, do another" issues have caused me to reject organized religion.

Let me end this rant with my idea to rename the Republican Party: Fascist American Theocratic Party. FAT for short. If you add Republican, you can even change it to FART. However, I think we should keep the "Republican" open for a group who speak and act on Republican principles (low taxes, small effective government, self sufficiency, respect for life).

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Patented Genes

Patented Genes

Did you know that 20 percent of all distinctly human genes have been patented?

Yeah, it surprised me too.

I understand that patents allow for a company to profit from the research and development that go into the patented item. I have no problem with that.

However, the idea of patenting human DNA bothers me.

I think the fact that human DNA is inherent to all human life, it should be used for the benefit of ALL MAN KIND, not only those who can afford to pay a royalty fee.

I think this could also open the door to companies patenting human beings which have been genetically altered. For example, DNA could be manipulated in such a way that the child would have increased aggression, better reflexes, reduced empathy, and a mindset to follow orders without question. The DNA could be patented and sold on a "per unit" basis. The result would be a human being (a "unit") who's DNA is owned by the military.

Since DNA is the basis of life, we would basically revert to servitude and slavery. Afterall, what else do you call it when a person is "owned"?

I have a message for these companies that want to patent my DNA:

**While holding a plastic spiral DNA model, and giving a stern look like Charlton Heston at an NRA meeting***


Slumdog Millionaire Star's Home Demolished

Authorities tear down 'Slumdog Millionaire' child star's illegal shanty home

I feel horrible that this happened to this poor child. But if we look at the parents, we will see the cause of this poverty.

I have been unable to find a reliable source to tell me the number of siblings he has. So, I will look at the family of his co-star Rubina Ali.

Rubina Ali, is a neighbor, who co-starred in slumdog, has 6 siblings. That means her parents have 7 children. SEVEN CHILDREN!

I cannot understand how two adults could ever expect to support 7 children on the salary of a carpenter.

If they had stopped with one or two children, they would have been able to provide adequately for their children. Their children deserve to have 3 meals a day, a roof over their heads, and an effective education.

I am sad to say, these parents have failed their children. That is, unless their goal was to perpetuate poverty in their children.

The parents work, and I'll bet they work hard. But no amount of work will allow them to overcome the crippling poverty caused by their unwillingness to slip on a condom.

I certainly feel bad for the kids, but not for their parents. I absolutely refuse to feel bad for someone who is living the life they built for themselves.

If they want to do right by their kids, they should adopt them to families who have the common sense not to breed themselves into poverty.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Texas police will return cash in case that prompted lawsuit

Am I the only one who thinks these officers and prosecutor should be thrown in prison? It's one thing to seize drug money. It is entirely another thing to unreasonably seize cash and property in blatant violation of the fourth amendment of the United States Constitution.

I personally think the lawsuit should proceed. If the local yokels in that hick town are so backward and apathetic as to allow this type of corruption, they deserve the public humiliation that would ensue from such a trial.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Paranoia over swine flu H1N1

I must first admit that I am not a Physician, so my opinion should in no way be taken as medical advice. Now, on with the opinion.

Let us look at the facts about "regular flu", the one that comes around a few times a year to make us all miserable:

  • The seasonal epidemic flu infects 3 to 5 million people world wide, killing nearly 500,000 every year. Even with 3 million infections and 500,000 deaths, that is a mortality rate of 0.17%. If the infection count is raised to 5 million, the mortality rate drops to 0.10%.
  • Most of those who die (directly or indirectly) from the flu every year are children, elderly, and those who are immunocompromised.
There are some differences in this strain of flu (swine flu). Let's discuss the differences:
  • It kills people in all age groups, but seems to have a preference for individuals who are young and healthy (not children, elderly, or immunocompromised).
  • The infection rate is difficult to know because of a difference in "confirmed cases" and "suspected cases". Confirmed cases are where the DNA of a virus is verified to be the same strain as the "swine flu". Suspected cases often turn out to be "regular flu", as discussed above.
One thing which might make this flu more deadly is the "over reaction" of a healthy immune system, also known as a Cytokine storm. A Cytokine storm, in basic terms, is when your immune system mounts an over active response to an infection. Cytokine cells taking part in your immune response call for reinforcements. Your body responds by sending more immune cells to the infection site. Normally, your body keeps this reaction in check. Sometimes, for reasons that are not well understood, your body is unable to keep this reaction in check, and it results in a Cytokine storm. If prompt medical care is not received, the lungs can fill with fluid, and the oxygen exchange mechanisms (alveoli) can be permenantly damaged.

In certain instances a healthy immune system can actually be a liability, which is why some strains of flu kill more young healthy people.

Now that we have some information, what are we to do?

For myself, I am going to go about my business. I will be careful to avoid crowded places, and I will wash my hands often. I will keep myself hydrated, and eat healthy foods. In the event that I start having flu symptoms (fever, headache, fatigue, cough, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, body aches) I will seek medical care immediately. Once I start feeling ill, I will quarantine myself from others. I will follow the doctors orders, without deviation.

My guess is that this first outbreak will be mild, but I think it will return in the fall. We need to study the mortality rates in "confirmed cases" to determine how deadly this virus is, and this needs to be done in the next 2 - 3 months.

If it is determined that this will have a high mortality rate, we must put in place contingency plans which will allow isolation (quarantine), social distancing, and medical treatment to minimize the human and economic cost of a pandemic in the fall / winter.

If we fail to prepare, or prepare inadequitly, we will find ourselves overwhelmed by this flu. Our already fragile economy could be pushed into deeper recession, possibly even another great depression.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cardboard Solar Ovens

Cardboard Solar Ovens

What a wonderful idea!

I think an altered solar oven would work in Antarctica or on Mount Everest.

Take a wire basket that has a hinged door, wrap it in aluminum foil 3 or 4 layers thick, and paint the outside black. Set this on a pedestal about 4 feet high, and surround the pedestal with mirrors angled to focus the light on the oven. Put your food inside, close the door, and in a few hours you should have a nice hot meal.

The size of the mirrors will be determined by the amount of sunlight. On a day with direct, bright sunlight, you could remove the mirrors. On a cloudy day, you would have to use large mirrors.

Kids with life sentences

Teens locked up for life without a second chance

I fail to see the reason for this article. It is very sad that these kids either lost, or didn't develop the empathy required to keep them from killing. That is the true crime here. The fact that these murderers are paying for their crime is not news. That is a little thing I like to call JUSTICE.

If we were to end poverty, we would be able to eliminate this kind of crime among children. In order to eliminate poverty, all schooling should be free from pre-school to University. That way, a child's potential is only limited by their own abilities, not the poverty of their parents.

Free education won't end poverty alone. It will greatly reduce it, but it will not eliminate it. The last nail in the coffin of poverty would be free tutoring, mentoring, and after school activities. We have to keep these kids engaged in learning. We need to keep them away from the drug dealers, pimps, and thugs that would pollute and distort their minds.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Commentary: Obama is flunking economics

Commentary: Obama is flunking economics

Mr. Navarette,

Would you prefer that we follow the Republican proposal to let these huge institutions fail? It was the "free market" mentality which allowed these institutions to become so large, and so entangled in the financial system that their failure would lead to financial chaos. The Republican proposal would take the economy down with the banks and insurance companies. If we were to follow your ideas, we will look back at this time as the Great Depression 2.0.

I don't have any crazy idea that Obama is infallible. But I do think he is doing what needs to be done for the long term good of the country.

In closing, I would like to point out that Bush did have a great deal to do with creating the economic hurricane we are currently in. He pushed for the changes in bankruptcy law. He pushed for lax regulation of banks, insurance companies, and mortgage companies. He pushed the free market mentality which, unchecked, caused this whole mess. He neglected everything except the Department of Defense. I know it wasn't all his fault, but he shoulders a great deal of the blame. Obama seems to be trying to do what is best for the country.

I have faith that President Obama will reign in spending after this crisis is relieved. If not, we will have to lean on our representatives in Congress to reign in the spending.

In closing, I have one request of you: Please quit your incessant whining!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Time for a tea party?

Jack Cafferty wrote in his column today asking if it is time for another tea party.

Time for another tea party?

I understand his criticism of the state of our nation, and his anger at the run away spending. What I don't understand is how he completely ignores the cause of the problems that led to the increase in spending.

I think Mr. Cafferty is referring to the 'tea parties' advocated by the don't go movement. The don't go movement seems to be a conservative group with the sole purpose of building opposition to the increased spending that has resulted from their failed economic policies.

Conservatives espouse the ideals of a free market economy, while whining about government oversight. They also refuse to see how free markets and government oversight have both caused major economic catastrophe, when one or the other gets out of hand. The best way to run an economy is a balance between free market, and government oversight that keeps the playing field even, and promotes safe practices. A move too far in either direction is dangerous to the national economy.

These tea parties are gaining significant support amongst those people who are concerned about the national debt, and its long term effect on the economy and tax rates. People have reason to be concerned. I hear estimates that tax rates as high as 50 percent will be required to pay off this debt. This is debt we are passing to our children and grandchildren.

But, the tea parties only build opposition. They propose nothing constructive, and only serve to criticize the attempts by our government to solve the current economic problems.

Conservatives didn't complain when Bush wanted to stimulate the economy during the last recession. They also didn't complain when Bush lied to go to war with Iraq. The Iraq war has cost over 600 billion dollars so far. Despite this government waste, our economy still tanked. It tanked because under Bush, the government failed to do its job to regulate the mortgage industry.

Do you remember driving down the street in 2003 - 2007? You probably saw lots of signs saying "I buy houses" or "own 4 bedroom home for $575 a month, no credit check", most hand written on little signs stuck in the ground near busy roads. I wish I had the foresight to have called one of these companies to find out who was behind such blatherskite. The crazy thing is, at that time it wasn't blatherskite, it was true. You really could get such a loan.

I realize President Bush isn't entirely to blame for all this. President Clinton started the beginnings of this process by forcing fannie may and freddie mac to lend to people with lower credit scores. This was mainly done to make sure lower income people could be approved for loans to buy their own home. But, other than lowering the credit requirements, a buyer in 1999 would have the same down payment and interest requirements as anyone else.

The real abuse of the system started when President Bush reduced enforcement and oversight of the mortgage industry. That's when sub-prime mortgages took an ugly turn. A turn that eventually took the entire economy off a cliff.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Book Review: How to win friends and influence people

How to Win Friends and Influence People
Author: Dale Carnegie (11/24/1888 - 11/1/1955)

My star rating: 4.9

This book completely changed my life. While reading I would often come to realize that, despite the best intentions, many people probably think I am quite an ass.

I have been prone to argue, and often have no finesse. I am often confrontational and verbally unkind.

Even though the original book was written in the 1930's, most of the points are still valid today. As our world becomes more connected, these principles will be more important in providing a personal touch, which can be a competitive edge.

The only reason I don't give this a 5 star rating is because many of the historical references in the book are outside recent memory. Meaning, no one alive will be able to remember the events referenced in this book. The author does a great job explaining the pertinent information relating to the events, and how those events relate to the point at hand. This is only a minor inconvenience, which is why I only docked a small amount.

Overall, this is to date the best book I have ever read.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What I admire about Republicans

I call myself an 'Irate Liberal', but on fiscal issues I believe I am fairly moderate. It is only on social issues where my liberal streak comes out.

Despite the years of mud slinging, I have been able to identify a few things I admire about the Republicans. Most of these are on fiscal issues.

Low Taxes
I think Republicans are right to want to keep taxes low. I adhere to a belief that lower taxes on individuals with more expendable income (not living paycheck to paycheck) eventually benefits the entire country. I think this type of policy allows for job creation. Many people like to demonize this idea as 'trickle down capitalism'. I prefer to call it by another name: Self Determination.

Small, Effective Government
Republicans publicly state their desire to have a small, effective government. The idea here is to ensure that government doesn't meddle in the private sector, or impede individual liberties.

Minimal Welfare
I understand the need for a little 'helping hand' when a family has a hardship. However, I don't understand when parents have more children than they can properly care for (food, clothing, shelter, tutoring, education). In this context, I strongly support limitations on Welfare.

Strong National Defense
I support the idea that we need to be able to defend ourselves against our enemies. I understand the need to sometimes take a proactive approach to our defense (intelligence). As long as we are acting in our defense, I support support defense funding.

Self Sufficiency
I support the idea that every individual and family needs to be self sufficient. Meaning we all live within our means, and use the opportunities available to increase our means. I firmly believe that we all benefit when each individual takes responsibility and accountability for their own life.

Respect for Life
I support the idea that life is sacred. However, I don't limit myself to only human life.

Where I disagree with Republicans

Low Taxes: Very often, the low taxes are used as a political tool. Spending continues as usual, and the government issues 'treasury bonds' to raise the difference. Treasury bonds are a debt, which has to be repaid by future generations of Americans. This is exactly the opposite of what a responsible government should be doing. Governments should be squirreling away money to use when the economy contracts, as it is doing right now. If they were to save money, they wouldn't need to raise taxes or cut services during a downturn.

Small, Effective Government: Republicans only seem to give lip service to this idea. The fact is that Government has consistently grown under Republican presidents from Thomas Jefferson to George W. Bush. It is also disturbing that any president would believe themselves above the law. Nixon himself said 'if the president does it, that makes it legal'. George Bush decided to use a similar tactic when he disregarded federal law, and authorized the warrantless wiretapping program.

Minimal Welfare
I know from my own childhood experience that welfare is a useful tool to assist families in breaking the cycle of poverty. Republicans seem to have made it their duty to completely eliminate this tool. They point to the welfare families who sit on welfare for years, never trying to improve their situation. I know for a fact that these families are the exception, not the rule. I support reforms and limitations to welfare. I do not support abandoning these families altogether.

Strong National Defense
After 9/11, I supported the overthrow of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Afterall, they were harboring the criminals who planned and financed the attack. It seems reasonable to assume that, had we concentrated our efforts in Afghanistan, we would have completed the mission already. Since Bush decided to lie to the American People, we diverted resources from Afghanistan to Iraq. I think history will look back on the invasion of Iraq as a tragic mistake.

Respect for Life
Republicans seem to be willing to do anything for an unborn child, even if it is detrimental to the health of the woman, and the current or future stability of the family. It also seems that, once you are born, they don't want to help you at all. They don't want to help you get medical care, housing, or education. They say that abortion is murder, but they rail against birth control, contraceptives, and sex education. I know some parents don't want their kids being taught about sex. Which is exactly why you can choose to keep your child out of the class, in most states. There also seems to be little political will with Republicans to make men more accountable for their children. I think men will think twice about using a condom if they know their actions (unpaid child support) could result in a prison sentence. Oh wait..Republicans don't support the use of condoms either.

I will close this rant with the wise words of George Carlin. In this quote, he was referring to religion. Since Republican ideas have formed an incestuous relationship to religion, I think it appropriate:
"It's all bullshit, and it's bad for ya". - George Carlin

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chairman Norris, leader of a Theocracy in Texas

Chuck Norris recently made a comment on Glenn Beck's radio show, which seems to lend validity to the insane idea that Texas could secede from the union. Apparently, Mr. NorAss doesn't understand the term 'Perpetual Union'.

I would suggest that Mr. Norris read a bit of history, to enlighten his backward little mind. You see, in 1777 the Second Continental Congress passed the 'Articles of Confederation', which specifically states that "the union shall be perpetual". The last state to ratify the articles was Maryland, which did so in 1781. Once Maryland ratified the articles, they were law, and binding on all current and future states.

Upon joining the union (and no one forced Texas to join), they agreed to be bound by these same articles.

This has already been tried, and the southerners got their collective asses kicked. Not only kicked, but completely humiliated.

Let me revive some old sayings, and place them in modern context so idiots like Mr. NorAss might understand:

"Treason started in Texas, and it will end in Texas."
(South Carolina was the first to secede from the union (treason), and they were severely punished when Sherman marched through the state and burned Columbia, including most of the inhabitants.)

"I intend to make Texas howl."
(After the battle of Atlanta, Sherman marched through Georgia burning anything he thought could be used to aid the confederate traitors. He decimated most of Georgia, including Atlanta).

Mr. Norris has the right to say whatever backward, insane, unpatriotic thing he wishes to say. He is lucky he lives in the United States, because he does have that right.

But let me be very clear. If Mr. Norris, or any of his uninformed baboon followers think they can break apart the Union, MY COUNTRY, I will stand up with every other patriotic AMERICAN and defend my country! Don't tread on me!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obama wants to overhaul education system from 'cradle to career'

Obama Education Reform

President Obama,

I like this plan so far, except for one thing. What about the parents?

It seems to be a mistake for teachers and schools to be solely responsible for the success of students. I would dare say that teachers and schools make up only about 40% of the equation that predicts student success. The rest are completely up to the parents.

Parents need to understand that environment, nutrition, proper sleep, home study time, parental tutoring, homework completion monitoring, good role models, and keeping the right friends make up the rest.

Rather than giving money to state governments who have varying degrees of success, why not split the money between students and parents? If a student gets a certain score on their standardized tests, their parents get a tax credit and the student receives a tax free deposit into a college fund.

I think this plan will give students and parents an incentive to take school seriously.