Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chairman Norris, leader of a Theocracy in Texas

Chuck Norris recently made a comment on Glenn Beck's radio show, which seems to lend validity to the insane idea that Texas could secede from the union. Apparently, Mr. NorAss doesn't understand the term 'Perpetual Union'.

I would suggest that Mr. Norris read a bit of history, to enlighten his backward little mind. You see, in 1777 the Second Continental Congress passed the 'Articles of Confederation', which specifically states that "the union shall be perpetual". The last state to ratify the articles was Maryland, which did so in 1781. Once Maryland ratified the articles, they were law, and binding on all current and future states.

Upon joining the union (and no one forced Texas to join), they agreed to be bound by these same articles.

This has already been tried, and the southerners got their collective asses kicked. Not only kicked, but completely humiliated.

Let me revive some old sayings, and place them in modern context so idiots like Mr. NorAss might understand:

"Treason started in Texas, and it will end in Texas."
(South Carolina was the first to secede from the union (treason), and they were severely punished when Sherman marched through the state and burned Columbia, including most of the inhabitants.)

"I intend to make Texas howl."
(After the battle of Atlanta, Sherman marched through Georgia burning anything he thought could be used to aid the confederate traitors. He decimated most of Georgia, including Atlanta).

Mr. Norris has the right to say whatever backward, insane, unpatriotic thing he wishes to say. He is lucky he lives in the United States, because he does have that right.

But let me be very clear. If Mr. Norris, or any of his uninformed baboon followers think they can break apart the Union, MY COUNTRY, I will stand up with every other patriotic AMERICAN and defend my country! Don't tread on me!

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