Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obama wants to overhaul education system from 'cradle to career'

Obama Education Reform

President Obama,

I like this plan so far, except for one thing. What about the parents?

It seems to be a mistake for teachers and schools to be solely responsible for the success of students. I would dare say that teachers and schools make up only about 40% of the equation that predicts student success. The rest are completely up to the parents.

Parents need to understand that environment, nutrition, proper sleep, home study time, parental tutoring, homework completion monitoring, good role models, and keeping the right friends make up the rest.

Rather than giving money to state governments who have varying degrees of success, why not split the money between students and parents? If a student gets a certain score on their standardized tests, their parents get a tax credit and the student receives a tax free deposit into a college fund.

I think this plan will give students and parents an incentive to take school seriously.

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