I call myself an 'Irate Liberal', but on fiscal issues I believe I am fairly moderate. It is only on social issues where my liberal streak comes out.
Despite the years of mud slinging, I have been able to identify a few things I admire about the Republicans. Most of these are on fiscal issues.
Low Taxes
I think Republicans are right to want to keep taxes low. I adhere to a belief that lower taxes on individuals with more expendable income (not living paycheck to paycheck) eventually benefits the entire country. I think this type of policy allows for job creation. Many people like to demonize this idea as 'trickle down capitalism'. I prefer to call it by another name: Self Determination.
Small, Effective Government
Republicans publicly state their desire to have a small, effective government. The idea here is to ensure that government doesn't meddle in the private sector, or impede individual liberties.
Minimal Welfare
I understand the need for a little 'helping hand' when a family has a hardship. However, I don't understand when parents have more children than they can properly care for (food, clothing, shelter, tutoring, education). In this context, I strongly support limitations on Welfare.
Strong National Defense
I support the idea that we need to be able to defend ourselves against our enemies. I understand the need to sometimes take a proactive approach to our defense (intelligence). As long as we are acting in our defense, I support support defense funding.
Self Sufficiency
I support the idea that every individual and family needs to be self sufficient. Meaning we all live within our means, and use the opportunities available to increase our means. I firmly believe that we all benefit when each individual takes responsibility and accountability for their own life.
Respect for Life
I support the idea that life is sacred. However, I don't limit myself to only human life.
Where I disagree with Republicans
Low Taxes: Very often, the low taxes are used as a political tool. Spending continues as usual, and the government issues 'treasury bonds' to raise the difference. Treasury bonds are a debt, which has to be repaid by future generations of Americans. This is exactly the opposite of what a responsible government should be doing. Governments should be squirreling away money to use when the economy contracts, as it is doing right now. If they were to save money, they wouldn't need to raise taxes or cut services during a downturn.
Small, Effective Government: Republicans only seem to give lip service to this idea. The fact is that Government has consistently grown under Republican presidents from Thomas Jefferson to George W. Bush. It is also disturbing that any president would believe themselves above the law. Nixon himself said 'if the president does it, that makes it legal'. George Bush decided to use a similar tactic when he disregarded federal law, and authorized the warrantless wiretapping program.
Minimal Welfare
I know from my own childhood experience that welfare is a useful tool to assist families in breaking the cycle of poverty. Republicans seem to have made it their duty to completely eliminate this tool. They point to the welfare families who sit on welfare for years, never trying to improve their situation. I know for a fact that these families are the exception, not the rule. I support reforms and limitations to welfare. I do not support abandoning these families altogether.
Strong National Defense
After 9/11, I supported the overthrow of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Afterall, they were harboring the criminals who planned and financed the attack. It seems reasonable to assume that, had we concentrated our efforts in Afghanistan, we would have completed the mission already. Since Bush decided to lie to the American People, we diverted resources from Afghanistan to Iraq. I think history will look back on the invasion of Iraq as a tragic mistake.
Respect for Life
Republicans seem to be willing to do anything for an unborn child, even if it is detrimental to the health of the woman, and the current or future stability of the family. It also seems that, once you are born, they don't want to help you at all. They don't want to help you get medical care, housing, or education. They say that abortion is murder, but they rail against birth control, contraceptives, and sex education. I know some parents don't want their kids being taught about sex. Which is exactly why you can choose to keep your child out of the class, in most states. There also seems to be little political will with Republicans to make men more accountable for their children. I think men will think twice about using a condom if they know their actions (unpaid child support) could result in a prison sentence. Oh wait..Republicans don't support the use of condoms either.
I will close this rant with the wise words of George Carlin. In this quote, he was referring to religion. Since Republican ideas have formed an incestuous relationship to religion, I think it appropriate:
"It's all bullshit, and it's bad for ya". - George Carlin
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