Patented Genes
Did you know that 20 percent of all distinctly human genes have been patented?
Yeah, it surprised me too.
I understand that patents allow for a company to profit from the research and development that go into the patented item. I have no problem with that.
However, the idea of patenting human DNA bothers me.
I think the fact that human DNA is inherent to all human life, it should be used for the benefit of ALL MAN KIND, not only those who can afford to pay a royalty fee.
I think this could also open the door to companies patenting human beings which have been genetically altered. For example, DNA could be manipulated in such a way that the child would have increased aggression, better reflexes, reduced empathy, and a mindset to follow orders without question. The DNA could be patented and sold on a "per unit" basis. The result would be a human being (a "unit") who's DNA is owned by the military.
Since DNA is the basis of life, we would basically revert to servitude and slavery. Afterall, what else do you call it when a person is "owned"?
I have a message for these companies that want to patent my DNA:
**While holding a plastic spiral DNA model, and giving a stern look like Charlton Heston at an NRA meeting***
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