Thursday, May 14, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire Star's Home Demolished

Authorities tear down 'Slumdog Millionaire' child star's illegal shanty home

I feel horrible that this happened to this poor child. But if we look at the parents, we will see the cause of this poverty.

I have been unable to find a reliable source to tell me the number of siblings he has. So, I will look at the family of his co-star Rubina Ali.

Rubina Ali, is a neighbor, who co-starred in slumdog, has 6 siblings. That means her parents have 7 children. SEVEN CHILDREN!

I cannot understand how two adults could ever expect to support 7 children on the salary of a carpenter.

If they had stopped with one or two children, they would have been able to provide adequately for their children. Their children deserve to have 3 meals a day, a roof over their heads, and an effective education.

I am sad to say, these parents have failed their children. That is, unless their goal was to perpetuate poverty in their children.

The parents work, and I'll bet they work hard. But no amount of work will allow them to overcome the crippling poverty caused by their unwillingness to slip on a condom.

I certainly feel bad for the kids, but not for their parents. I absolutely refuse to feel bad for someone who is living the life they built for themselves.

If they want to do right by their kids, they should adopt them to families who have the common sense not to breed themselves into poverty.

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