Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kansas Rep. Pete DeGraff: Raped? Pregnant? Get a spare tire, you baby!

While debating a bill that would ban healthcare insurance companies from paying for abortions, debate started on exclusions which would allow insurance companies to pay for certain abortions. The proposed exclusions were in cases of rape, and health risk to the mother.

During this debate, Rep. DeGraff argued to remove the rape exemption from the bill. He then argued that women would not be harmed by removal of the exemption, because they could buy "abortion only" policies. He then went on to compare being impregnated by a rapist to getting a flat tire. The solution, get a spare!

GOD DAMNIT! Is this what you pro-lifers want? Do you really want to force rape victims to carry the demon spawn of their rapist? If so, you probably blame the victim.

The bill passed without the rape exemption, and was signed by the governor.

This article on the "national right to life" website does not even mention the rape exemption being removed. It goes on to LIE, saying that the bill "protects women from dangerous abortion clinics". The danger at abortion clinics are the pro-life loons shooting and bombing the place.

Abortion, especially early abortion is a proven safe procedure which removes a zygote from the uterus. It is not dangerous. What is dangerous is forcing rape victims into the hands of witch doctors and back alleys to get unsafe abortions. Furthermore, the "dangerous clinics" that have come into the news lately in PA were the result of lax regulation and unwillingness for regulators to follow up on NUMEROUS complaints. The "house of horrors" described by pro-lifers is an accurate description. But comparing that to legitimate, legal, well regulated women's health facilities is just shameful lying. The best response to this kind of horror is regulation, not abortion bans to satisfy the pro-lifers on the right.

Regardless of your stance on this emotional issue, very few would argue that a woman should be forced to carry the spawn of a rapist.

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