- Ignored Red Flags: When we start dating, we are awash in puppy love hormones which seem to diminish our willingness to "read between the lines" when we see obvious red flags. Some red flags may indicate behaviors that are negotiable, while some may indicate behaviors that are deal breakers (non negotiable). The problem is that we often ignore the red flags because our reasoning capacity can be diminished by our biological responses to our new love interest.
- Broken Wing Syndrome: You find a person who you perceive to be a diamond in the rough. Maybe they have a criminal history, or bad credit. Some well intentioned people look at their new love interest as a bird with a broken wing. They think: If I can just heal that broken wing, I will have a fabulous bird. The problem comes when we ignore the causes of the broken wing, which are often behavioral rather than circumstance. You can change another person's circumstances, but you cannot change their behavior. Only they can choose to change. Any attempt to change their behavior will exhaust you, and cause resentment from them.
- Jumping Ship Syndrome: This is the opposite of ignoring red flags. These people are looking for an ideal person that they have conjured in their minds, and the moment their love interest deviates from that ideal, they jump ship. I don't have a cogent theory as to the cause of this behavior. But you can see how this type of behavior can cause a person to jump from one marriage to another.
- The Marriage / Wedding Cult: Our culture has a preoccupation with marriage overall, and weddings in particular. It comes from our parents, religious leaders, friends, and relatives. All of them pushing and prodding us like the father from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding": "Get married, make babies. You look so old!".
- Religious Pressure: I cannot speak to this at length because it is an alien concept to me. However, I have noticed a great deal of pressure from churches and religious organizations for early and "productive" marriages.
In my opinion, we need to change our cultural view of marriage. We should encourage our friends and family to get into marriage after at least a year of dating. We should encourage a "full disclosure" session between the dating couple before they get engaged. The full disclosure session would include a history of: criminal charges and convictions, domestic violence, substance abuse, driving record, credit rating, bankruptcy, debt, job history, etc.
Also, a pseudo-marriage arrangement might make sense. I don't mean cohabitation before marriage, or premarital sex. I simply mean going through some of the mundane but important aspects of marriage. Paying bills, managing finances, managing the house, cleaning, decorating, cooking, groceries, childcare, etc.
You don't have to live together to go through the motions. But these are important factors in determining real life compatibility. Many marriages break up over such mundane things. Once the puppy love wears off, it's the every day things that either bring you together or drive you apart.
Those are my ideas on how the dating-engagement-wedding-marriage route should happen. I welcome your thoughts on the topic.