If you look at the comments at the bottom of the page, you see the rampant racism that has seeped into the national discourse on this issue.
I am certainly not happy that people enter this country illegally, or overstay their visas. I am not happy that many of them end up on welfare. I am not happy that the presence of illegal immigrants puts downward pressure on wages. I am not happy that my old elementary school has all classroom window decorations in Spanish.
There are plenty of things I am not happy about when it comes to illegal immigrants. But I am horrified at the putrid stench of racism that has worked its way into the public discourse on this issue.
I have some questions for my fellow citizens who would crucify the "illegals" and "illegal aliens".
1. Where was your outrage when Bush and the GOP controlled Congress did nothing?
2. Where was your outrage when employers were not punished for hiring illegal immigrants?
3. Where was your outrage when your beloved Reagan signed the amnesty law of 1986?
4. Where is your constitutional outrage over Arizona SB 1070, which clearly violates the 4th amendment?
5. Why has immigration come to a head when the GOP lost both houses of Congress, and the Presidency? Doesn't that timing seem strange?
6. What do you say to people like commenter "Arizona444" who refers to Latinos as "poop colored" people who "multiply like flies"?
7. Do you think that all illegal immigrants should be put through the same punishment? Should a mother trying to feed her family face the same punishment as the drug dealer and gang banger?
8. Why are you so eager to believe unsubstantiated claims (i.e. that illegal immigrants started the Arizona fires), when there is no evidence of that.
9. Why do you assume a hostile intent on the part of every individual that comes illegally?
10. Do you honestly believe that white people will be stopped in Arizona and asked to prove their legal immigration status?
11. Do you support a guest worker program?
12. What would you do to "secure the border"?
13. What other rights are you willing to give up in the hopes of rounding up a few illegal immigrants?
14. What will it take to open your eyes to the rampant racism involved in this issue?
I certainly hope that my fellow citizens will open their eyes to this evil cancer of racism before it gets out of control. I will not be silent while other human beings are dehumanized and demonized for political gain.
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